Monday, July 28, 2008

Visiting History

Jake's family came out and we had a great time hanging out and seeing awesome stuff. In Philadelphia I felt humbled to walk the same grounds as our founding fathers and run my hands down the same banister as George Washington, the father of our country while at Valley Forge
Liberty Bell, Philly; Jake and Vienna, Valley Forge; Jake in a soldiers bunk, Valley Forge

Then, in Palmyra, to walk the grounds of Joseph Smith and Moroni! Actually seeing where the plates were hidden and the Book of Mormon published was surreal. Then, to walk in The Sacred Grove, where God The Father and Jesus Christ had actually been, with trees who had witnessed it. I can't express how humbled and grateful I feel to all of these great men.

Print Shop of The Book of Mormon; The Sacred Grove


Amanda said...

Wow Melissa, that is really cool that you got to go see all of those places! It looks like you are having so much fun back east-I am definitely jealous!
If you want to check out our blog-it's

I'm glad you're having such a great time!


Anonymous said...

That trip was a blast! I love making great memories visting historical and sacred sights with my family! You are so much fun!