Friday, October 10, 2008


Clockwise starting top left: Me, Amy, Sunny

My two closest friends now BOTH live in England together, and I'm left alone in Utah. I find myself wishing I was there, not for a vacation, but to be with them. When I got talking to Jake about it we started scheming a possible trip come this spring!

At first I thought it would be selfish of me to spend money on a trip abroad when we have so little. But that thought is starting to sound more and more ridiculous. Relationships are the most important thing to me and priority, and a relationship will die if you only see each other once a decade.

So I'm saving. Saving like it was a depression. I mentioned my plan to spend only what I earn through excersise on basically EVERYthing except bare essentials. That's still my plan, but I'm cutting back even more. Use it up, wear it out, make do, or do without.

A workout at least 1 hour every day ($6), 6 days a week would earn over $1000 by April. Plus I put all my tips in the piggy bank. It's a bit of a sacrifice, but completely worth it. And with gas going down, flights will go down, and we will even be able to spend a little on sight seeing if the tickets are low.

I miss my girls!


Oreste said...

Hello Melissa, a kiss from Rome. Ciao