Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why I'm blogging.

I have been thinking of starting a blog for some time. I am a believer in journaling. I believe it can be a great thing for personal growth and blogging is a superb form of journaling. But, I have a journal, a fantastic red snappy thing, that I recently bought to start fresh a new chapter in life. Who needs two journals? Yet my traditional journal has already succumb to the status of diary at times. Negative ranting. (Not so great for personal growth). With a blog there is less temptation to focus on the negative, because after all, someone might read it. Add to that the ability to add any photos I want without having to develop and paste them (quite messy) and sound capabilities!!! Holy Cow! Starting a new brand and Etsy store were the last few motivators. Red Fermata is a blog!


Anonymous said...

I so excited you started a new Blog!
It will be alot of fun to read and see what your up to!