Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This is the place

I'm home! It's good to be back. Things are different here in Utah.

  • My hair isn't curly
  • I've got hang nails
  • I am not on the Internet constantly out of boredom
  • Always busy with something
  • Doing horribly on my running and healthy eating
  • Actually using a blanket when sleeping now
  • I drive places (and it feels wierd)
  • With friends and family I love (besides just Becca and Jake, whom I also love)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Love Songs

I need your ideas for love songs! Brent, my brother, is getting married. Jake and I are performing at the reception, so I've been looking for love songs that I won't feel too cheesy singing. A friend from Jake's mission, Connie, showed us Ingrid Michealson's The Way I Am that you may have seen in this Old Navy Commercial. I love her music. I'm excited to sing this one.

Others we plan on singing: Friday I'm In Love by The Cure, Better Than Ice Cream by Sarah McLaughlin, In My Life by the Beatles, and This Years Love by David Gray (the one we danced to at our own wedding). That's only 5 songs! Ideas?

Olymics 2008 Opening Ceremony

Friday's opening ceremony was fantastic, wasn't it? I have never seen such an amazing show. What I would have given to be there..... It also made me want to learn more about the Chinese culture and travel to there! My favorite part (besides all the bang wam pow of fireworks) was the Tai Chi performers. They do free Tai Chi in the park here in NYC, but it's at 7:30 AM! Maybe I'll sacrifice my sleep for just one class tomorrow. Skip to the middle of the video to see over two thousand masters performing in unison. Amazing. What was your favorite part?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Myles of Style

So, Design Star is over and I'm so happy Jen won, but I wish Matt could win too somehow! Jake and I have been internet watching the Myles of Style episodes and I have to say, I love her style. Perfect name for the show. Great creative ideas. She's my new favorite TV designer. David, from season one is a great artist and designer, but his show kind of disappoints me in that it's not very applicable. Here's some of my favorites from Kim Myles show:
This room would be so great translated to my parents family room/theater room in the making.

I love the colors, style, but especially the ceiling. I'd do mine even a bit more subtle, possibly in a master bed or bathroom.
And this office is so elegant/simple It almost looks pink, it's not, but I like it!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Riverside Park

Jake and I went running in Riverside Park last night. It was the perfect length for us last night, about 3.5 miles. Great since we were running 7. Yes, 7, our longest yet! Lance Armstrong even congratulated us himself! (Albeit, in a recording on my Nike +, but it still felt good).

It was the most beautiful run I've ever taken. Unfortunately I don't run with a camera, so I have no pictures. Running along the Hudson by all the boats felt like we were in Seatle. Then when we came upon an outdoor restaurant after the sun went down atop a stone terace it felt like Paris. Near the south end a Jazz band playing on the peir made it feel like New Orleans, and all the flowers and wide paths just made it so pleasant. I haven't felt so good in a long time!

run haiku

Turtles in the pond
Are eating crunchy cheese puffs.
Don't ask-- it's New York.

I was searching for some pictures of Riverside Park and found this fun haiku blog. Hahahaha.